“The short and sweet side of the story is that we reconnected after crossing paths in Annapolis in early 2019,” Jenn told us. “Brian was stationed in New Orleans and I had just moved from San Diego to DC. During one of his work trips to Norfolk, VA, Brian made the trek up to DC to take me out to dinner. Because of deployments, COVID, and eventually starting graduate programs on opposite coasts, we became masters of the long distance relationship.
“One of my favorite memories from before we got engaged was the first time Brian was with my entire family. My family had been planning a trip to Montana for over a year, and the whole time I knew that it was highly unlikely that he was going to make the trip. He was in a very demanding portion of medical school and was spending 80+ hours a week in the hospital. Brian coordinated with my brother, who he’d never met, and spent over half of his only weekend off that month to spend less than 24 hours with my family. He took an Uber to a random dirt road in the middle of the night and walked into a pitch black house to find what he could only hope was my room. After waking up to find a large person standing in my room, I told what I thought was my little brother to go away because it was too early to go hiking. After seeing a very familiar logo on the t-shirt and being thinking I was seeing things because there was no possible way that he could be there, he confirmed, yet again, that I was with an incredible and selfless man who loved me.”