Jersey Shore Proposal Photos at Barnegat Lighthouse | Lacy & Kristen

September 15, 2017

Lacy surprised Kristen with proposal photos at Barnegat Lighthouse earlier this summer!  Kristen had NO idea what was going on and thought they were meeting for couple love photos at the shore.  Weeks later they would be separated by many miles and so spending this time together was already so special to them both.  Half way through the shoot Lacy glanced at me and asked is there a pretty spot with the lighthouse in the background!?  I knew it was the time.  Jersey Shore Proposal photos at Barnegat Lighthouse

Lacy grabbed Kristen’s hands whispered sweet things and knelt down onto one knee!!!!!!!!!  Kristen was legit FLOORED!  They were heading to see family a few days later and so the timing was just perfect.   She genuinely had no idea it was going to happen and was shocked.  Her reaction was just the best.  I can only imagine how excited these two were both feeling.  After the hugs and face grabs and squeals we headed around the lighthouse and to the rocks with the dark blue skies of a storm rolling in.  Timing couldn’t have been better and as we finished the session it started to sprinkle.  Thank you sun gods for keeping the skies clear for these two

Proposal photograph of two women getting engaged at the Jersey ShoreTwo brides to be proposal at the Jersey ShoreTwo brides to be proposal at the Jersey ShoreTwo brides to be proposal at the Jersey ShoreBarnegat Lighthouse proposal photos on the rocks at the Jersey ShoreBarnegat Lighthouse proposal photos on the rocks at the Jersey ShoreBarnegat Lighthouse proposal photos on the rocks at the Jersey ShoreBarnegat Lighthouse LGBT proposal photos on the rocks at the Jersey ShoreTwo brides sitting in the sand on the Jersey Shore of Barnegat LighthouseTwo brides sitting in the sand on the Jersey Shore of Barnegat LighthouseTwo brides sitting in the sand on the Jersey Shore of Barnegat LighthouseHalo diamond engagement ring on honeysuckleTwo brides proposal photos on the Jersey Shore of Barnegat LighthouseTwo brides proposal photos on the Jersey Shore of Barnegat LighthouseTwo brides proposal photos on the Jersey Shore of Barnegat LighthouseProposal photos of two brides to be on the beachProposal photos of two brides to be on the beachEngagement photos of two brides to be on the beachEngagement photos of two brides at the Barnegat LighthouseEngagement photos of two brides at the Barnegat LighthouseEngagement photos of two brides at the Barnegat LighthouseEngagement photos of two brides at the Barnegat LighthouseEngagement photos of two brides at the Barnegat LighthouseEngagement photos of two brides at the Barnegat LighthouseEngagement photos of two brides at the Barnegat LighthouseEngagement photos of two brides at the Barnegat LighthouseEngagement photos of two brides at the Barnegat LighthouseCouple in love on the rocks of the jersey shore beach at Barnegat lightfemale engagement photos on the rocks at Barnegat LighthouseProposal photographer at Barnegat Lighthouse rocksProposal photographer at Barnegat Lighthouse rocksProposal photographer at Barnegat Lighthouse rocksProposal photographer at Barnegat Lighthouse rocksProposal photographer at Barnegat Lighthouse rocksProposal photographer at Barnegat Lighthouse rocksLesbian Proposal photographer at Barnegat Lighthouse rocksLesbian Proposal photographer at Barnegat Lighthouse rocksLesbian Proposal photographer at Barnegat Lighthouse rocksProposal photographer at Barnegat Lighthouse rocks