Kelly & Nick’s Oregon Ridge Park Wedding was almost all handmade and designed by the bride Kelly and her family and friends! The DIY wedding details from the flowers, milk glass bottles, signs, bridesmaid dresses, bridal shoes, and more! I was so impressed with how beautifully each detail went together. Her bridal shoes were handmade and designed by Parisxox (Check them out on etsy!) Yes the bridesmaid’s dresses were all handmade by MissBrache, each fabric chosen by Kelly. Hats off to anyone who can make and design dresses! Best of all was all the bridal jewelry that was ALL handmade by Kelly! I’m still blown away, how much love was put into each detail for this wedding!
So honored to have shared this special day with Kelly & Nick.
Oregon Ridge Park Wedding Professionals:
Wedding Venue: Oregon Ridge Park
Wedding Photographer: Carly Fuller Photography
Table decorations: handmade by Kelly
Bridal Dress: Francesca’s Bridal
Bridal Shoes: Parisxox by Arbie Goodfellow –
Bridal Jewelry: KRM Jewel (etsy shop)
Rings: Helzberg Diamonds
Bridesmaid Dress: MissBrache by Diane Brache-Smith
Florist: and arranged by Kelly
DJ/Band: DJ Wild Bill – Bill Hartman
Second Professional Photographer: Travis Curry
Guys’ suits: Jos. A. Banks