American Wedding Photographer in Paris
(sites, sounds, inspiration over tea)
Rue Mouffetard in Paris: Place to Meet, Eat, Drink, Dance and Shop
After roaming the streets around the Notre Dame, Shakespeare and Company, Berties CupCakery, and finding where Hemingway lived we strolled down the Rue Mouffetard. This winding, cobble stone street is the epitome of Parisian culture where you are surrounded by trendy boutiques, food, and markets galore! I fell in love with a small tea shop L’Autre Thé at 40 rue Mouffetard – Paris 5. Arnaud Dhénin the creator of L’Autre Thé is an innovator determined to find a natural and more organic way of providing tea and a cozy environment to gather in his tea shops! Noël à Paris and Anichai are incredible and worth ordering if you are a tea connoisseur.
A door as short as the little American Wedding Photographer in Paris
OMG!!! You went there! And my home! Cafe Lea! There it is – you have no idea what this post did for me. I heart this!!!! I can even see my bedroom window in these photos! 🙂 xoxoxo
I did I will send you the photos asap!! xox